Saturday, October 10, 2020

Push Past Mental Paralysis

Today is World Mental Health Day. A perfect day for me to talk about how paralysis doesn’t just have to be physical. We all have struggles that come from within us as well that may be invisible to the outside world. 

Everything starts from inside of us. Whether we can or can’t do something always begins with our mind and our drive. We all face road blocks in life. More times than not, they’re only blocks because we perceive them as such. We become paralyzed in place and seemingly can’t move forward. I don’t believe in the word can’t, but if it does exist, it’s only temporary. 

There’s a way around every obstacle (and excuse) in life, especially the ones our own brains create, but also the ones others set for us. We still get to choose if we are going to let someone else stop us from achieving what we set out to achieve in life. Any obstacles that we have to push past because of another person is simply their own feelings about themselves and the world that they project onto others. Stop participating in the misery loves company pity parties. Don’t get sucked into that shit. Rise above it, especially if you struggle with mental health. It will only feed into it and make it worse. Our environments create habits and lifestyles very easily. Healthy people, places and things are vital to our wellbeing. 

The shame and stigma around mental paralysis or mental health needs to end and be eradicated once and for all. You don’t have to live with it forever. Support is out there but it does you no good if you’re too afraid or ashamed to reach out and ask for it. There are also plenty of anonymous ways for you to reach out and get some support. You are not alone. 

Mental health disorders or struggles are not permanent. They’re manageable and, in some case, curable. We can all overcome any trauma that we have endured. You’re not destined for failure and you most certainly should not wear it as a badge of honor or excuse as to why you’ve given up on yourself. There’s always hope. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Push Past Discrimination

I’ve been so torn the last few weeks. As a human being, as an American, as an empath. I don’t like so much as arguing, let alone violence. I want to do something. 

So I’ve been reflecting a lot. Trying to find solutions amongst the images I cannot get out of my head; the killing of George Floyd, the riots and violence and also the rallies, marches and protests. I have never been one that likes to do something for one segment of any population. Even #PushPastParalysis goes way beyond the physical. People experience mental, emotional and spiritual paralysis all the time. 

So I’ve decided that I’m going to begin a movement using my platform of just that, but unifying ANYONE who is discriminated against for ANY reason and find out how they too, Push Past Paralysis. What they’ve done and how they’ve done it against all odds. We ALL are discriminated against, no one is exempt from that and that INCLUDES those discriminated against because of the color of their skin. 

No one can truly stop you but yourself. But so many people let what others say or do stop them from being themselves, loving and owning their individuality and being able to be their best. ‪The best way to beat discrimination is to not give into it. Do not look at yourself as the victim. ‪Never give up. ‬

I feel it’s my purpose to empower all who feel discriminated against, but you have to meet me half way. Don’t have a chip on your shoulder as if people are against you and have a wall up so we can’t support you because you’re choosing to stay in that mindset. You can’t have it both ways.

This is not going to be a meet up group where we all talk about our problems and how we feel. This is where we all are at our best and shining, doing what we do best. There is going to be a variety of things we all excel at and that’s the point. 

I hope you’ll join me. 
