Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Don't take it personally

I recently made a youtube video about this topic, and figured I'd elaborate a little bit on here.

In our closest relationships, we are what I've come to call "bumpers" for each other. This means that we often clash with those closest to us and take everything out on them, even when what is going on has little to nothing to do with that particular person.

We, as humans, feel that we need to take it out on someone. Like somehow bitching and moaning to someone and yelling AT them and not about the real issue, will somehow fix everything. There is good news, however, if you are on the receiving end of someone lashing out at you.

It's not you, it's them.

When people lash out, they will say such mean and hurtful things, that we don't ever stop to think about what they are saying, what they are NOT saying, and why they are saying it. We just react.

Sometimes we do things that hurt other people and we need to take ownership. There is no denying that. However, a lot of the times what people do or say to us has nothing to do with us. If we just stop for a minute and take a breath before reacting, we can better spot when these instances occur. We only make the whole situation worse, including both ours and the other person's feelings, when we react without thinking. We are just doing what they did to us, back to them.

I challenge you. The next time someone lashes out at you, don't take the bait. Let it go or try to gently help the person. Be sure to let me know how it goes!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your attitude creates your life

I've always known this concept and gone by it for my own life. However, sometimes "life" and other people's attitudes toward it get in the way unintentionally. If you are around certain people, your vibration and attitudes mix together, causing a change in both of you. However, it seems that most of the time the negative aspect of this appears stronger.

Lately, I've been stepping into my life's purpose. I've always been a positive person, rebuking any negativity. If I want something for my life and I believe that it will come to pass, NOBODY is going to tell me differently. Again, sometimes this attitude is hard for us to maintain around negative people. But we must.

In order to do this, we must sometimes cut ties with these people, or even do something as simple as leave the room and politely ask that they leave our manifestations of what we want alone, just as we should leave theirs alone. Letting negativity control your life is no good...whatsoever. You need to continue on the path of wanting the best for your life and believing you can have it. Then and only then will it manifest itself into your life.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Maintain your energy

Have you ever sat next to someone and had to jerk away? Or felt you had to leave the room because it creeped you out? That is just other people's or environment's energy seeping into yours.

The good news is, you can protect yourself!

You need to make sure you are grounded and protected. What does this mean? Let me explain...

Grounding yourself basically means you are present in the place you are at and your emotions and feelings are there with you. Not flying around with other people.

Protecting yourself basically means that you put a figurative shield around you so that no one else's energy starts to drain your own. We all encounter so many people in our day to day lives that this MUST be done repeatedly. This is non denominational. You can do this with God or whomever else you pray to or even just in the sense of owning your own energy and keeping that thought in your mind and heart.

Try it and let me know if it works for you :) be patient!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Facing & Combating Negativity

Everyone deals with negativity at one point or another. Actually, many times! Many people settle for it and think they "have to" deal with it". YOU DON'T! We are all faced with negativity there is just no escaping it.

THERE IS HOPE! The good news is, YOU have the ability to control your own emotions and the environment around you. You may not be able to control the people, places and things BUT you can control the level at which they are in your life and the level at which you let how they are affect you and your mood.

The next time you are faced with negativity, walk away if you can't cut the person out of your life completely (if it is a recurring issue). If not, take a deep breath! Reflect before reacting. That truly can make ALL the difference in how you feel and how the situation unfolds. People and situations can only affect us if we LET them. Even if we don't realize it, any emotion we have is because we choose to see the situation the way we are seeing it and choosing to react the way we are.

All you have to do is change the way you look at things, for the things you look at to change...I love Wayne Dyer! :)