'Why is what Paulie said and did okay with you and what Natalie is doing and saying is not okay?'
The simple answer is; Paulie was playing Big Brother, Natalie was being personal and ignorant.
A lot of people with hurt feelings will disagree with me, but hear me out. First of all, Paulie and Zakiyah both talked about talking crap about each other in order to create distance from each other in the eyes of the other houseguests. People may argue that Paulie went too far, but I saw the conversation about this and Zakiyah made the agreement with him. Plus, they both said "I'll tell you next time the feeds are down" a lot! So who the hell are we to judge what we don't see all of? Again, Zakiyah is not a weak woman! Many women who have had bad previous relationships come out stronger. I believe if she felt Paulie was out of line about anything, she would have spoken up!
Now for Natalie. She is making me wonder if season 15 wasn't as bad with the racism and ignorance. I mean, she insults everyone, even her supposed Big Brother boyfriend James (even though she flirts with everyone else and then accuses them of mistreating her *cough* Paulie.) She actually told James that she thought he'd like her chips because they were Asian! Right. To. His. Face! But then he hugged her, so I guess she's doing what she knows she can get away with. She never had anything nice and genuine to say about Zakiyah and she'd flirt with Paulie (and all of the guys) then turn around and claim sexual harassment, meanwhile they didn't even really give her a second glance! Her personal attacks and the apparent malicious intent behind them is ridiculous. She's insecure and masks it as being full of herself, all while blaming others. Like they say in "Mean Girls", she thinks everyone is in love with her, but everybody hates her. She puts on such an innocent and fake persona, while at least with Paulie you knew if you were on his shit list and it was for the game.
You are the company you keep. All of Paulie's family and friends have been incredible on social media. Natalie's friends, meanwhile, have done nothing but talk crap and spread lies about Paulie. It's ridiculous. Maybe now that their lies have been exposed, they'll stop but I doubt it. Oh well, all the greats have haters!
I notice that social media follows the same rule of life; you get what you look for. I've decided to spread positivity where Paulie is brought up and just show love and support. It has attracted a lot of fans into my circle, which I'm thankful for, but I'm even more thankful that they're out there for when Paulie returns home! He's planning to do so many good things for his family, friends and even fellow cast mates James and D'avonne's kids when he returns to NJ (hopefully after winning when he returns to the Big Brother house this week) and he deserves so much support for it!
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