Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Disabled Are The Truly Forgotten Men & Women Of America

I wanted to run some numbers by you, to give a little perspective to the political climate today.

An estimated 54 million Americans are living with disabilities.

$200 Billion per year is supposed to be allocated to American people living with disabilities.

People living with disabilities are among 20% of the world’s poorest people.

The unemployment rate among people living with disabilities is around 88%.

Between 785 and 975 million people 15 years old and up are living with disabilities.

Doctors are significantly undertrained in the field of disabilities, let alone for specific disabilities. Let’s not even get into how people living with disabilities are treated in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

The sick part is that the funds for all of this are approved, but where are they going? Not to those of us living with disabilities. I’m no mathematician, but something isn’t adding up!

Now let’s shift gears a little bit...

There were 10.7 million illegal aliens living in the United States in 2016. The net cost to state, local and federal US government is approximately $116 billion per year. Yes, it fluctuates based on the number of illegals currently here and does not count when an illegal commits a crime and how much that costs the government. 56,000 illegal aliens are in our prison system. In 2018, 1.7 million pounds of narcotics have been seized, 17,000 adults were arrested with criminal records which included 6,000 gang members and there’s a huge human trafficking issue.

Tell me why and how it’s ok for even a small amount of legal American citizens to be suffering, while we welcome and help illegal aliens, many of whom harm our citizens whether by physical harm or smuggling drugs through our borders? How is that logically ok with anyone?!

I’m a conservative self sufficient woman, despite my disability. I’m working hard to not need my monthly check, despite being entitled to it. However, I’m very aware that many of my fellow Americans are suffering greatly and can not help but need to rely on the government to help them. People living with disabilities deserve to live as well as the average American, and maybe even get better help on living more independently as much as possible. Instead, they are being taken advantage of, under cared for and neglected and many, I would bet, don’t even realize it. It is sickening to me and it’s gone on for far too many decades!

Bottom line, a wall would save American lives of every gender, color and ability. It will also free up funds that are supposed to be going to Americans that need it and are entitled to it!

Monday, January 7, 2019

I’m doing Paulie Calafiore’s new 123 Challenge for the Mind Body & Spirit!

Nice to see someone who isn’t using “empowerment” to shit all over someone else. Gotta show support for one of my favorite people, Paulie Calafiore, on his upcoming 3 Step program, which helps me in my own New Years’ Resolution to focus on myself more... SWIPE! Steps out of order for video on purpose. The correct order is

Step 1: Focus on success

My upcoming Mind Body Spirit course #PushPastParalysis

Step 2: Focus within/mental health 
Meditation with crystals as well as re-reading self help books.

Step 3: Focus on health/wellness/fitness I gotta do my favorite exercise my favorite personal trainer fitness instructor Paulie Calafiore taught me. I love the ab roller! Using this thing gives you a full body workout in minutes! 💪