Thursday, September 1, 2016

Push Past Paralysis: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually

Having grown up with the "disability" Spina Bifida, I've learned a lot about life that I may not have otherwise learned. Or maybe I would have, just not in the same ways. Nonetheless, my life so far has taught me valuable lessons and I've made it my mission to share them with everyone who crosses my path.

The biggest lesson I've learned and I feel I'm meant to teach others is that paralysis does not just affect the "disabled." It is not a one dimensional term. There are many different forms of paralysis. There is the physical, of course, but there is also mental, emotional and spiritual paralysis that will effect us all, at one point or another, throughout our lives. So I thought I'd write a quick summary of the ways in which each form of paralysis can affect us.

Physical Paralysis - This one is self explanatory. However, there are 2 different ways this can occur and it will affect the person differently in each way. You can either be born with paralysis or have been in some sort of accident or occurrence in your life that results in being physically paralyzed. One cannot relate to the other at first thought. I can't and won't claim to understand what it feels like to have had the ability to feel your entire body, walk or run freely and then have those abilities snatched away. On the flip side, having been born with paralysis from the knee down, I cannot miss what I've never had. Also, that time my friend rammed me into a wooden ramp and split my toe open, I was pretty thankful I couldn't feel it...but I digress. What both forms of physical paralysis can potentially have in common is gratitude. When you lack something, the easiest way to switch out of that low vibration and mindset is to be grateful for everything you do have. In the physical case, this can be every single body part that you can feel and move.

Mental Paralysis - Have you ever argued with yourself, talked to yourself, talked yourself into or out of something, created a mental pro and con list to the point where you just confuse yourself and create more fear and stagnation within yourself? We all have and mental paralysis can also be defined as negative self talk. Your fight or flight instinct can be hypersensitive as well with mental paralysis. It is the cause of indecisiveness and overthinking. Mental paralysis is also the loss of creativity and inspiration in the moment or looking toward the future.

*Mental paralysis, in the context that I'm using it, is NOT synonymous to a mental disability.*

Emotional Paralysis - Think about the most tragic or hardest time in your life. Chances are, you experienced emotional paralysis and may not have even known it. The simplest way to explain emotional paralysis is remaining "stoic". If you can't bring yourself to be too happy or too sad about anything or anyone. It is the cause of insecurity and fear that can affect your life for years after you experience the situation that caused it in the first place. In this state, you don't want to get your hopes up too often. In the case of sadness, it's often a good thing if you don't allow yourself to get in a deep depression or overly sad. PTSD is also an example of a form of emotional paralysis. Most people will sometimes shut off their emotions as a form of protecting themselves. That will only hurt you in the end. Emotions always have a way of coming out and will even stronger if they are suppressed for too long.

Spiritual Paralysis - This is probably the most common form of paralysis today. There is so much fear instilled in organized religion and SO many differing ones to choose to belong or not belong to. I don't think any are right or wrong, it's all in how they make you feel. Spiritual paralysis is a block to your intuition. It is when you feel that God, the universe or a higher power has abandoned you or simply does not exist. This is not necessarily the same thing as being an atheist. Those experiencing spiritual paralysis have already, previously believed in something and something happens in their life to cause them to doubt and question what they believe. It affects their life as a whole; every choice, decision and action...or lack thereof. So while some atheists can relate to this, if they previously believed in God, it is not always meant to describe them.

We will all experience some form of paralysis in our lives. We just adapt in how we deal with it. Please contact me if you feel I can be of any assistance in helping YOU "Push Past Paralysis!"

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