Over the summer when I was blogging about Big Brother, I said something that I'm pretty sure I glossed over and didn't exactly expand on. Based on recent events on social media, I thought I would do just that today.
Social media is great in many ways and horrible in others. It connects us, forms friendships and business relationships. However, it also breads so much hatred and divide. If you really think about it though, it just brings out to light what already exists within a person. The computer or phone doesn't type for itself. We do it ourselves, or Siri does it for us and we can't even blame her because we tell her what to type.
My biggest problem with social media is the preaching and insistence on bringing light to social issues. I understand that social media is a great platform for it, but many people take it too far and exaggerate, using it as an excuse to bully the person they feel bullied by just because the person said something they didn't like. It goes from admirable to petty in seconds flat when that happens. It undermines anyone who has actually been through it or is still going through it.
Please don't get me wrong. I understand that people can be triggered by certain things. However, let's use Big Brother as an example. If you have actually been emotionally or verbally abused, lied to, manipulated, controlled or anything of the like in your real life, Big Brother has never been the show for you in all of its 18 seasons so far. The whole premise of the show is to lie, cheat and steal your way to $500,000. So I'm sorry, you can't blame any houseguest for playing the game they came to win and you chose to watch. That decision was all yours. It's also your responsibility to realize it's actually a game and not look down on people who look past it or those who come to the defense of their family member or friend from the game when they're attacked.
Many people just choose to hate and that is something I'll never understand. Frankly, I don't want to because the second I begin to understand it, I'm just as bad as the person spewing such hate. You'll never get through to anyone who is unable to properly process your message. So what do you do? Follow the people and things you're passionate about. Block and ignore the hate. Rise above. And most of all, I'll leave the last word to someone who always spreads love and wisdom wherever he goes....
Well done again, Marissa. As always your words and thoughts provoke insight into a realm of conscience observation. Emotional entanglement into the lives of others serves as a distraction from ones own life. While it's wonderful to wish well for others and cheer on there successes, there are some amongst us that allow bitterness, jealousy and envy to consume themselves due to a lack of personal success on there own behalf. This emotional trigger is very powerful and rather than strive to reach your own levels of success, it becomes easier to chastise and ridicule others. Vanity truly is the deadliest of the of 7 deadly sins, because it uses perception as its tool against mankind, unfortunately the Internet proves day after day to be a powerful venue for this purpose.