Monday, October 10, 2016

Why Do You Care? Nothing But Love for Zaulie Part 2

Why are people so nosey and ballsy nowadays? It seems like the second we got access to a computer separating us, people have grown a set of balls and lady balls but not in a good way. And it has only gotten worse with all of the other wireless devices and social media websites that have come out following the computer.

So my question is, why? Why do you care so much about what other people are doing with their lives? Why does it affect you so much? Or, should I say, why do you allow it to affect you so much, when it shouldn't? Why give your two cents, as if what you say is going to change anyone's mind? It is nobodies business but the person living their life and making their own decisions, paying their own bills and wiping their own ass.

I've tried not to speak on this much, because it is not my relationship. I try to stay out of relationships I know nothing or little about, regardless of if I love the people in it. I only wish the people disrespecting relationships that are not their own would do the same thing. But there comes a point when you get tired of seeing people you care about hurting.

I met Paulie Calafiore and Zakiyah Everette from Big Brother 18 on Saturday. I've been protective before because of hate Paulie was getting, but now that I met them and saw them together in person, my protectiveness is through the roof. Since the start of the season, they were developing feelings for each other and the show was downplaying it. Needless to say, people who didn't watch the live feeds were very confused when the show ended and the 2 confirmed that they are in a romantic relationship. Oh and I guess I should mention that they're an interracial couple. But that doesn't matter to me, it's not even a thought that runs through my brain but it seems to be a factor in why they receive the hate that they do. I don't understand why it matters so much to others and elicited such outrage. Love is love.

Paulie and Zakiyah are coming off of a pressure cooker of a season of Big Brother 18, a show which is based on lies, manipulation and deceit. They had to weed through what was game and what wasn't, they had to set the record straight to people actually in their lives and also have to deal with living states apart at the moment. They should NOT have to deal with ignorant people on top of that, with unfulfilling lives who get off on throwing hate at others, just because they hate themselves and their own lives.

You don't have to like Paulie, Zakiyah or Zaulie. But give me a break and grow up. Follow people you like and IGNORE and BLOCK those whom you don't like. This is basic, hooked on phonic knowledge of the internet. I've been saying this ALL season and summer long and it's been over for weeks already! Trying to tear people down in hopes that they fail, just so you can say I told you so, is a very sad way to live.

Lucky for Zaulie, Paulie and Zakiyah are 2 individuals who strive for the best in life and also found just that in each other. They don't give up when the odds are stacked against them, when others try to tell them what they should and shouldn't do, and they have the most powerful weapon of all: love. Those 2 beautiful people love each other and we need to let them live and love in the best ways for THEM, which we don't know. We can't claim to know, we can't impose our opinions, beliefs, hopes or anything else in a good or bad way. The love has to be just as overwhelming as the hate sometimes. Just sit back, let them BE
and appreciate what is shared or scroll past it. Love always wins. 💖

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