My 2 worlds have collided; Fitness and Big Brother. Honestly though, this experience was about so much more. I almost can't even find the words. That's been happening a lot to me since Saturday. It's concerning because me and speechless are not usually synonymous...but I digress.
I almost called this blog "What Does Paulie Calafiore Have to Do to Make Me Hate Him?" Part 2. The short answer is, there is absolutely nothing he can do that would make that happen and Tuesday, October 11, 2016 reaffirmed that after almost getting murdered by a work out in his gym with him LOL. Every experience I have had with Paulie, and, okay, there's "only" been 2, has reaffirmed what I have just known in my heart about him from day 1. He is one of the most down to earth, hard working, funny, motivating and inspiring people I have ever been blessed to meet. Having met his parents, brother, sister and aunt (who is battling cancer - please send prayers) at his homecoming party, I can tell you that's where he gets it from. He was raised to be an incredible individual. He's also the biggest dork that you can't help but have fun and smile around. A person's energy is everything. The more I see of him outside the Big Brother house, not only does it reaffirm what I knew to be true, but it really upsets me that he's getting so much undeserved hate. He's happy, driven, in a relationship with someone he clearly loves and I think it's time to let him be. Take the high road. If you're not a fan, move along...
What you may not know is that Paulie, the person, is a multi business owner. One of those businesses is a gym in NJ that he co owns with his partner, Tom Kalieta. On Saturday, October 8th, at his Meet N Greet, I asked Paulie if he'd be interested in training someone in a wheelchair. On Tuesday, I traveled from Long Island "just" to have a work out session with him. I had to scramble at the last minute for a ride from NYC to NJ because one fell through and then by the time I went up to catch the train to NYC, I missed it by mere SECONDS and had to wait an hour for the next one. My friend Shay is a God send who drove from Philly to meet me in NYC and then drove to NJ where the gym is located and back to NYC after. I think we'd both tell you it was all worth it! I truly feel that I trained with the best!

I pride myself on my phrase "push past paralysis", but I have never worked out that hard in my life. Paulie's gym, Sweat, completely lives up to its name! He's the best there is and you can't help but feel the same determination and energy rub off on you (especially if that's already natural for you, like it is for me.) He encouraged and pushed me and I think I matched that energy pretty well, especially as a non athlete, since the gym is pro athlete based. I didn't want him to take it easy on me and my soreness tells me he really didn't. Everything hurts but in a way where you know that once your muscles stop crying, you'll feel amazing and have so much more physical strength and tone. My face even hurts because I can't stop smiling!
Paulie, thank you yet again for everything. I can't say it enough. Thank you is not enough. There are no words, blogs, or actions that could tell you how amazing I know you are. I don't know what I did to deserve you going so far above and beyond for me. I truly think that's just who you are as a person, but it made me feel extremely special to get this opportunity with you. I hope people in wheelchairs and even those who aren't will blow up your social media hoping to FLOCK to Sweat! On the train ride home, I told the conductor that Sweat "will literally kill you but it will be awesome!" Feel free to use that as a tag line.😂
It is so important to have some sort of fitness routine and healthy diet (although I don't like to use that word), especially if you're in a wheelchair. Obesity, circulation issues, pressure sores and so many other issues are so common for people with disabilities. Never use fatigue as an excuse because I always feel my endorphins kick in after a work out. So if you're tired, working out will actually help you! Plus, studies have shown that too much sitting can actually kill you. So don't be screwed and move around as much as you possibly can LOL! Here is a video I have been dreaming about making for a long time. This is a video of me working out with Paulie Calafiore. I hope that it inspires others with "disabilities" to go work out! Thank you to Shay for capturing all of this!
Paulie's Snapchats from our work out
Lastly, to the haters that I've already seen leave comments on Paulie's posts about his session with me. No, he didn't pay me to work out with him and this isn't a publicity stunt. In fact, when I told him how I wanted his gym to take off even further, he humbly said that's not why he was doing it. I know it isn't, but that makes me want to see it take off even further. It's about people coming together to spread positivity and education on fitness. Haters, if you'd take your head out of your ass long enough, you'd realize that Big Brother is a game, Paulie played a great and aggressive one, and yet he's still an absolutely amazing human being in the real world who wants to do great things and inspire others to do the same. I was happy to be along side him for this. That's all there is to it. Your favorites are only telling their side of the story, remember that!
To follow Paulie on social media (if you're a hater, stop reading now):
Instagram: pr.calafiore
Snapchat & Periscope: PaulieC116
To follow Tom on social media:
Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat: TKSweat
LIKE Sweat Gym on Facebook:
To follow me on social media:
Instagram: pushpastparalysis